Running Time: 4 minutes, 11 seconds
Directed By: Karla Caprali
Written By: Oscar Fuentes
Produced By: Karla Caprali
Music Director: Belinda Niling Stohner
Production Company: B.O.K. Suite/ Caprali Studio
Edited by: Karla Caprali
Animation and Art by: Karla Caprali
Music by: Baby B Strings
Light is a short animated film about a Hispanic poet who comes
face to face with Lady Death. She is a character inspired by
Maya Deren's movie, Meshes of the Afternoon.
Lady Death pursues him everywhere he goes, heightening his
anxiety that death is imminent. This anxiety renders him unable
to discern life from death until he succumbs to the inevitable. He
finally finds the light by accepting his fate.
The film was written and narrated by Oscar Fuentes, the Biscayne Poet, as a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The music is performed and arranged byBabyB Strings, presenting Baba Yaga, a piece from the legendary suite Pictures At An Exhibition composed by Modest Mussorgsky. The film was animated and directed by artist Karla Caprali, using handcrafted drawings mixing traditional art and digital animation. This work meets at the intersection of each artist’s creative freedom, echoing their pain and stories of survival in a time of global tragedy.